Sunday, April 16, 2017

How Social Media Can Improve Lives

     Hello Everyone!
     Today I will be talking about how the use of social media data can and has been used to improve lives.
In January of 2015, heavy rains caused huge amounts of rain in Malawi, Africa. Nearly half the country was seen as a disaster zone, but humanitarian relief agencies, like the Red Cross, found it impossibly difficult to allocate resources and aid to places that were all but unrecorded by Africa's mapping data. Because the workers struggled figuring out where aid was needed, relief did not necessarily reach those who needed it the most.
     To prevent similar situations in the future, volunteers,researchers and humanitarian workers partnered with Facebook to fill in knowledge gaps in the mapping of the area. Called the "Missing Maps" project, the Red Cross used Facebook's widespread population density data to map and locate individuals who were susceptible to natural disasters and similar emergencies, but were unrecorded on modern mapping data Due to the success of this project, aid and relief organizations have been better able to locate areas that need their assistance and send the necessary aid to people who need it.
    The "Missing Maps" project is just one use of data collaboratives with social media that have had positive results.Through correct use of the collaborative model, many different communities can come together to provide information in order to solve public problems. Because of the diverse usage of social media, there is a wealth of new insights and possible avenues of action. By sharing data responsibly and with permission of the users, the information provided could help with many situations similar to the disaster in Malawi.Organizations can also get a better idea of what communities want and do not want to do in terms of solving these local issues. As long as the organizations that intend to help are aware of and avoid the risks, such as misinterpretation of data, the collaboration would prove very beneficial to citizens in a variety of social situations.
To learn more about the topic of data collaborations through social media, check out this article by The Conversation Website posted this week on April 10th!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

End of Draught in California

Hello Everyone!
Today I will be talking about the end of California's drought emergency that happened this week, as well as the impact it has had and will continue to have on the state. After going through the driest four year period ever recorded, California's drought emergency has finally ended. On Friday, the Governor of California lifted numerous emergency orders put in place in 2014-2015 in an attempt to save California's water supply. The drought was the worst ever recorded; only 4% of the state didn't have abnormal dryness and a third was at an extreme level of dryness. Now, due to an unusually wet winter, only 8% of the state is experiencing mild drought.
While the state is much better off than it was four years ago, California will continue to experience negative side effects from the event. One area that will be hurt greatly is the environment. Experts on California wildlife say there will most likely be a permanent change in the ecosystems at higher elevations. Another large impact is on cities and homes, as the Governor has decided the state will continue to conserve water in case of another severe drought. Communities must report their water usage, and there are restrictions on watering lawns and washing off sidewalks. The government has also planned on establishing long term water conservation measures and better planning for future dry seasons. These measures will also aide in the protection and replenishing of the state's groundwater, which was greatly overdrawn during the drought. City officials say the most challenging aspect of continuing to conserve water will be in the water wastage in residential areas.
Hopefully this blog post taught you more about the drought and it's effects in California, as well as the importance of water conservation!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

The Importance of Recycling

Hello Everyone!
Today I will be talking about the importance of recycling. Recycling is one of the most beneficial ways for an individual to positively benefit the planet we inhabit. It is important not only for us, but the natural environment as well. However, with the amount of waste and garbage building up on the planet, it's important for everyone to do their part and act fast. Some things that are contributing to the increasing waste are growing population sizes (more individuals creating waste), increasing wealth (buying more products that end up as waste) and new packaging and technology (production of items that are non-biodegradable).
There are many reasons why recycling should be taken seriously. First, harmful gasses and greenhouse chemicals are being released from landfills. Recycling helps lower the amount of pollution created by waste. Second, deforestation causes the destruction of natural habitats and global warming. Recycling will lead to the use of less raw materials so the rainforests can stay preserved and intact. Third, vast amounts of energy are used when making items from raw materials. By recycling, we use much less and energy and preserve our natural resources. Other reasons that impact individuals are saving environmental space that would be used for waste and preserving the land and resources for future generations.
There are many ways you can recycle! The three key aspects of recycling are: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Reducing can mean many things; using less non-biodegradable materials, reducing the amount of time you shower to save water, or limiting the number of non-recyclable purchases made in your household. Reuse can also be done in several ways. You could bring cloth or recycled material bags to the grocery store to carry your purchases instead of plastic bags, or reuse objects like plastic silverware or plates instead of immediately throwing them away. Recycling means sorting your waste into proper compartments so that it can be turned into a recycling center and made into new materials. All of these are easy to do and can be done at home!
Hopefully, this post has encouraged you to start recycling and make the world a better and cleaner place, one step at a time!

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Adopting a Rescue Dog

Hello Everyone!
This is a picture of my rescue dog, Layla. She is a half-Whippet, half-Lab mix and is 11 years old. I am posting this picture of her to talk about the importance of adopting rescue dogs! While it is perfectly fine to adopt a dog from a non-rescue shelter or by other safe means, there are a lot of benefits to getting a rescue.
First, before adopting any dog, know that you are financially and personally able to give him or her a loving and permanent home. It is not healthy for any dog, especially rescues, to be moved around from family to family. Dogs need familiarity and permanence.
The benefits of getting a rescue are huge! Most rescue dogs are screened before adoption, which means they've had shots, health exams and personality tests to ensure they will get along with a new owner and other pets. Because they've already been vaccinated and tested, you pay less overall for adopting a rescue! Another benefit is that you have a lot of options! There are many rescues in America, which means every breed and age of dog will be available. You can also reach out to breed-specific rescues! Most rescues also let you take dogs out for a period of time to test how they mesh and interact with you and your family, ensuring you find the best fit. Finally, and most importantly, by getting a rescue you are saving a dog's life. Most dogs in rescue have been abused or neglected, and by giving him or her a home you are giving them a second chance for a better life!
So if you are considering getting a furry friend, please consider adopting a rescue and experience these benefits yourself!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

This is the first post of my blog created for my Social Media in Society college course! I am a freshman with an undecided major and will be posting about random things, mostly whatever is on my mind. (-: